VOL 180

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INSTAGRAM- These tattoos fall into the so bad they’re good category. But if you want a bad doodle tattoo, no need to go all the way to Singapore, our creative director will happily do a Tattoodle™ on you. LINK

COOL STUFF- Miley Cyrus wanted to play the Nick Cage role in Mandy but as a musical. LINK

DESIGN- Sure they were able to do this. But should they have? LINK

STRATEGY- Pepsi poached pizza deliveries. Next up, burgers and sneaking into McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Burger King, and more. LINK

BEVERAGE- A special Fireball made with the tears of upset football fans. LINK

MUSIC- Planning For Burial is part shoe gaze, part ambient noise, part metal. Listen here


VOL 181


VOL 179