VOL 150

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INSTAGRAM- Who knows how these tattoos will age, but we can say they are original. LINK

COOL STUFF- A list of items that are turning 50 this year. Some we are surprised are that old, others we would have thought had been around longer. LINK

DESIGN- Calling this brand update a “Design Transformation” seems quite a stretch, more like an evolution. I’m not sure without the side-by-side most consumers would notice. LINK

STRATEGY- BMW photobombs Google Maps in a guerrilla campaign for their EV car. LINK

BEVERAGE- Catch up on what is happening in the world of “white rum”. LINK

MUSIC- This female-led rock album is hard to pin down in a sentence. Give it a listen and tell us how you would describe it. Listen here


VOL 151


VOL 149