VOL 157

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INSTAGRAM- An account that makes art combining classic TV shows and punk rock. We are mad we did not know about this sooner. Cool merch too. LINK

COOL STUFF- Happy Gilmore 2 is in early stages of production. Our expectations are very low, but our excitement is high. LINK

DESIGN- A clever idea and use of design, but something about this feels to be the wrong way to address a serious problem. Especially when a good step for mental health is a healthy diet. LINK

STRATEGY- It’s not just having the big idea, it’s often how you sell it. Use MIT's "5 S’s Rule” to create world-class presentations. LINK

BEVERAGE- What does “small batch” really mean on a whiskey label? LINK

MUSIC- An alt-rock/punk “supergroup” of sorts, release from 2017 is definitely worth checking out if you missed it 7 years ago. Listen here


VOL 158


VOL 156